New Research Project for DNASequence SRL

DNASequence SRL is happy to announce that its research project, titled: “Microbiotic communities detection in archaeological excavation for the documentation of the historical research and new ways of protecting monuments of cultural heritage” within the framework of «RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE » of the operational program: «Competition, entrepreneurship and Innovation », ESPA 2014 – 2020 (EU Funded).

The research program is identified with the cutting edge technology of DNASequence, Metagenomics of Built Environments (MBE), that offers solutions in a wide range of issues, among others referring to Archaeology, restoration and conservation of archaeological artifacts.

The unique technology of DNASequence SRL will be used in the excavations of Shallalat Gardens in Alexandria, Egypt, by the auspices of Archaeologist Kalliopi Limneou-Papakosta, in order to offer valuable information for the era under examination of the archaeologists on site, and further deepen their knowledge for the artifacts and their way of conservation.