DNASequence SRL is happy to announce that its research project, titled: "Microbiotic communities detection in archaeological excavation for the documentation of the historical research and new ways of protecting monuments of cultural heritage"
«DNA Sequence» is delighted to announce its collaboration with the international investigation and certification organization Swiss Approval Technische Bewertung
DNASequence Hellas SRL is a Biotechnology startup that develops innovative and pioneering solutions based on metagenomic technologies.
DNASequence helps anise seed farmers of Lesvos island to discover the unique DNA-based identity and unique traits of local landraces, which is important in terms of food security, rural development and resilience of farming communities.
DNASequence SRL Hellas completed successfully the project awarded by INTRAKAT ΑΕΤΕ regarding the study and report generation of the microbiotic load of the Ellinikon construction site.
DNA Sequence’s advanced bioinformatic analysis will help identify the microorganisms presented in the water, analyze their diversity, abundance, and the relationship between the water environments and the microbiomes.
We are excited to announce that DNASequence Hellas is among the companies that are included in the funding through the EU co-funded program of Research-Create-Innovate.
DNASequence Hellas SRL is a Biotechnology startup that develops innovative and pioneering solutions based on metagenomic technologies. The company’s solutions are addressed to corporations and governmental organizations...