DNASequence SRL is happy to announce that its research project, titled: "Microbiotic communities detection in archaeological excavation for the documentation of the historical research and new ways of protecting monuments of cultural heritage"
In the article that is signed by the co-founder and company CEO Mr. Antonios Salakidis, it is described in prose, the application of biotechnology in our lives and the DNA sequencing methodology...
DNASequence SRL Hellas completed successfully the project awarded by INTRAKAT ΑΕΤΕ regarding the study and report generation of the microbiotic load of the Ellinikon construction site.
We offer custom-tailored microbiome analysis and monitoring solutions meaning that we approach each project independently. The custom tailored approach significantly improve our understanding of the microbiome in health and disease.
We are excited to announce that DNASequence Hellas is among the companies that are included in the funding through the EU co-funded program of Research-Create-Innovate.